Our annual calendar photo contest for 2025, is up and running, get your photos in and vote, vote, vote!
The money raised by the Po’Kitties Calendar Photo Contest will go to helping the animals, and their people, in our community. The contest will run from September 6th starting at 8:00AM until the 31st of October 12:01AM. This is Friday (Sept) 6th until Thursday (Oct) 31st. Everyone that registers for an account gets 10 free votes to use however they want, but only if you register for an account. You can register for an account anytime, but can't enter or vote before Sept 6th.
ENTER THE CONTEST: You can enter as many photos as you want for an $10 donation per photo. Photo must be of an animal, although people can be in it along with the animal. All animals are welcome -- dogs, cats, horses, goats, cows, birds, reptiles or fish or any combination. It can be of any animal that is a current or previous pet or farm animal you own or have owned. See complete rules.
The Grand Prize for the photo with the most votes will be the "Calendar Cover Star" and the 12 most voted for after the number one vote receiver will grace the other 12 months of the calendar.
SPECIAL HALF PRICE VOTE BUNDLE: This year you can vote for your favorites for only $1.00 per vote! There will also be a special vote bundle that will appear randomly throughout the contest, which is $50 for 100 votes ($.50 cents a vote!) and can be used up to 10 separate times. This option may change throughout the contest, so check back often. If it is active it will be an option to use in your account, login to your account, click the piggy bank tab on the menu and it will be on that page if active.
Vote as often as you like. Get your friends and family to vote too! You can use PayPal or write a check but make sure to mark it clearly. We must have checks by Oct. 10th to make sure we have time to post to your account and you have time to use your votes.
So grab your camera and have fun, show off your animal photos, get your friends and family to vote, and help us raise money to save more lives! ** Any votes not used will be considered a donation.